Boost Effectiveness and Happiness: Revamp Your Fashion Workplace Wellbeing
According to a survey conducted by Vogue Business in 2023, people working in fashion are struggling. This is not surprising given the nature of the fashion business; more and more new product hitting the floors with increased frequency, high competition, uncertain markets and let’s not forget the climate emergency. From my own experience of working in fashion product development for many years, it is stressful.
That is why it is more important than ever for anyone working in fashion that you look after yourself, and as we enter a new year it’s great time to try some things to find out what works for you.
Quick Mindfulness Techniques
Most people are familiar with mindfulness these days, one definition offered by world-renowned clinician Jon Kabat-Zinn is:
“the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally”.
This can be achieved by staying still, closing our eyes and focusing on our breathing, or it can also be about mentally pausing and intentionally noticing things around us.
One way of doing this is the 5,4,3,2,1 grounding technique, which engages all 5 senses, and requires us to notice our senses by naming them either out loud or to ourselves, as follows:
5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can touch
This is a great technique as you can do it anywhere, and in your own time, no one around you even needs to know what you are doing.
Creative Stress-Relief Activities
Other ways to de-stress are to take part in a creative activity. Many textile crafts like knitting, crocheting & sewing can be mindful, and give us a chance to focus on what we are doing in the present moment. The UK Crafts Council reports on a 2019 BBC survey which concluded:
“Getting creative can make you happier”
Perhaps you have a favourite hobby that you just haven’t had a chance to do recently. Consider making time by scheduling it in your diary, sign up for a class in your local area or invite a friend to do an activity together. This could be something as simple as knitting together in a café, while you sip your favourite seasonal latte and have a catch up.
Physical Wellness
Not forgetting to move, whether that is running, swimming, karate, cycling or something else altogether. Movement is a great way to get out of your head and into your body. We spend so much time at our desks in front of our laptops that getting out into some fresh air, even a short walk can yield great rewards.
This idea is backed by a variety of medical studies including the Mayo Clinic in the USA who state:
“Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever.
Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins
and distract you from daily worries.”
Given the nature of the fashion business, find ways to sustain yourself in 2025 and beyond. Make a plan to try some different ways of introducing breaks into your workday; activates that will alleviate your stress and those that will bring a smile a your face.
You could try a few different activities, from ones that take a few moments through to those that take hours. Try things you can do anywhere, through to things that are site specific. Include variety in terms of the amount of energy you have through to what it will cost in terms of financial and time investment. You can consider creating a menu for yourself to choose from depending on your energy level, location, time and cost. We’ve created a template to help you do this, as shown in Fig 5.
To get a hold of the template, simply click on this link:
Let us know what you find out, and some of your existing favourite stressbusting and happiness inducing techniques. It’s always great to be inspired by what others do & it can give us all ideas of things to try for ourselves.
Take care, now and throughout 2025, downtime is not a waste of time, it’s an important part of being human.
Further Reading
Vogue Business article: Debunking the dream: Is working in fashion going out of style?
Business of Fashion: Inside Fashions Enduring Mental Health Epidemic
Guardian article about Jon Kabat-Zin
NHS 5,4,3,2,1, grounding technique
Craft Council article: Craft can reduce stress, a new BBC survey reveals
Mayo Clinic Stress Management article
#wellbeing #miindfullness #downtime